Monday, August 20, 2007

Delightful Chemistry

I love the chemistry between Ledin and Landra. Next week we'll see more of these two in Fantasy Realms -- so be sure to come by on Monday!


  1. Cute expression on Ledin! ^__^

  2. I remember your art kicking butt years ago. And here I find out it got exponentially more butt kicking.

    Looking forward to reading your various mangas:P

    (formerly 'sabernet')

  3. Landra! I love Landra. I actually squealed when she made her debut on this new Fantasy Realms. I cannot await for more. :)

    Rock on, Niko.

  4. >> Ness
    Landra! I love Landra. I actually squealed when she made her debut on this new Fantasy Realms. I cannot await for more. :)

    She is one of my favorite characters. Landra and Ledin, actually. So it comes as no surprise that I love to draw them together. More cuteness awaits!
