Sunday, January 24, 2010

Studio Cramoisy

Studio Cramoisy was formed by Niko Geyer and Honoel A. Ibardolaza in 2007 in response to a gnawing need to bridge the narrowing gap of their unique working environment -- Niko is based in Germany and Honoel in the Philippines. Before the online studio, both artists had worked independently on a variety of projects, from collectible card games to full-length graphic novels.

They joined forces with American Clay Gardner to round out their offerings with a bit of design, typographic flair, and really tiny icons.

In 2010, deciding that three continents wasn't enough, the studio invited Madeleine Rosca, the award-winning artist from Down Under and author of Hollow Fields.

Studio Cramoisy provides many theoretically useful services: cover illustrations, comic books & manga, children’s book style artwork, concept art production and all matters of graphic design. We would love to work with you!


  1. I LOVE your work!

  2. congrats to the new virtual art studio. your work is amazing & inspiring. I created manga for fun since grade 10 but the results not quite amusing till now ha3. You r my inspiration :) thanks 4 the great work!
